Our Approach

Our aim is to provide our clients with oversight, understanding and control of their wealth. The financial world can be opaque, complex and expensive. We strive to simplify complex investment issues and untangle unnecessary costs.

We translate our clients’ real life needs into investment strategies that are aligned with their purpose and values. We ensure their advisers and providers work together to meet their objectives. Our aim is to offer a highly personalised service; each of you should feel that we are their dedicated private family office.

Phases Of Our Approach

We look to establish and carry out our work in line with your purpose of wealth, aiming to create the ideal balance between protecting, enhancing and enjoying your wealth.

Our Approach Has Three Distinct Phases:

Phase One | Understanding the whole picture

This is the discovery phase. We sit down with you and map out the current structure of your wealth. Understanding the purpose for your wealth will serve as a guide to creating a plan designed to achieve your strategic goals and objectives. We like to understand what the purpose of your wealth is, who the current providers are and if they are all working in concert with one another. Is there a wealth transfer plan for the next generation and who are the decision makers?

Phase Two | Creating a plan

We talk through how your assets can be aligned with their purpose and values. We often get asked to evaluate the fees being charged across different entities and the risk inherent within the existing investments. We work closely with all advisers to evaluate potential tax and estate issues and provide access to advice that might be lacking. This phase usually involves a deeper engagement with you creating family governance structures, supporting the next generation with educational programmes and financial literacy as well as helping to enhance communication channels.

Phase Three | Executing the plan

If required, we take responsibility for implementing the recommendations made in the first two phases. We can take oversight of the wealth strategy and investments; appointing, monitoring and replacing existing managers if necessary. We can perform extensive due diligence on investment opportunities and provide consolidated investment and tax reporting. With a deeper understanding of the direction of travel and the plan to get there, there will be an ongoing requirement for family education, providing support where needed and helping the family to stay engaged with their wealth going forward.

We work in concert with you to achieve your goals.

Our Role

In partnership with you as your outsourced family office

Our role is to ensure that you have the information and insight necessary to make informed and effective decisions about their wealth. We work with you and your network of providers to be sure all are working in concert with your objectives and values – ensuring you buy cleverly, effectively, and only those products and services that make sense for you.

We work alongside some of the world’s leading institutions for legal, tax, accounting, fiduciary, investment management, custody and other financial services.

We provide investment services to help you oversee and optimise your wealth and investments, reflecting the unique goals and objectives of their wealth enterprise, while also balancing inherent risks and opportunities.

Find out more about how we can work with you

We are happy to discuss in more detail how we can support you and develop your wealth strategy We work for families, with family offices and on endowments, all of which you can learn more about through the links below, or by contacting our team.